Faster compilation with distcc

Often, you have more than one system at your disposal but no clear way of distributing your compilation workloads over to all or some of them. They might be running different OSes which makes it look even more difficult. In my case, I have one laptop (2 cores) and a desktop (4 cores) connected with a WiFi network. The laptop runs Linux (Fedora 13 64-bit) while the desktop runs Windows 7 (64-bit). [Read More]

Compressed RAM disk for Windows, The Virtual Way!

Recently, I developed Linux kernel driver which creates generic RAM based compressed block devices (called zram). Being RAM disks, they do not provide persistent storage but there are many use cases where persistence is not required: /tmp, various caches under /var, swap disks etc. These cases can benefit greatly from high speed RAM disks along with savings which compression brings! However, all this seems to be completely Linux centric. But with virtualization, zram can be used for Windows too! [Read More]